Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Foot Foward

So this is more of a progressive statement rather than an informal post. So far I have a couple of logos that I have made using the right internet tools and now I have to prepare more steps for the future. I actually had all of these plans made for my summer for when I had more free time so I can focus on it 100%. I like that I have actually started making it this quarter. Now I have a couple of ideas set in mind for how I can start making money on my website. One website is serevi which is a local rugby company that started  in the Seattle with different professional players that sponsor both summer camp and different types of apparel. They have a franchise opportunity in which I make want to take advantage of. Also another website named which is the biggest distributor of rugby apparel and accessories  has another franchising opportunity which I will become interested in. All of this would not be possible without possible investors and a distribution warehouse. Of course most of this takes time, but it's something I need to get started while I am still in school so it can be big when I am older.

Here are the websites if you are interested in looking:


  1. Now that I've read about your blog and the things you want to do. I found myself watching a rugby game the other morning. It was actually fun cheerung for I don't know who, lol. It's like when you get a new car and you go out in traffic you start to notice that car more and more as if you've never seen it before. You learn about something new and it sticks in your head all the time. You can't wait to share it with someone.

  2. so how are you going to start all this stuff up? Do you have any initial finances yourself or you trying to find backers for the entire project?

  3. I checked out and really liked the legendary Tukuni. I like how he supports rugby and hopes to get the America another gold medal someday. I didn't know that the U.S. won a Rugby gold medal in 1924. I think Serevi rugby might have a promising future and the name is catchy. I am sure if you give it your all you could make the franchise work.
