Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Me the King

My name is Calvin G. Nellis. A.K.A Sir Geoffrey McNelis III which is my original name of my ancestry coming from Ireland. I am currently a graphic design artist and intermediate computer programmer with alot of ideas. In the next five years I am actually going to be starting a business that deals with my favorite sport ( if you don't already know RUGBY!) by helping it establish a better reputation in the United States like it is Overseas. This Blog will include a lot of different details about me, my current business and all around personal perspective. I am keeping this blog as a journal because I will be heading to Rome June 15th for a UW study abroad program and I was going to create a blog anyway for it. Now you can follow me and my adventures and you can get a hold of me through, later! 

Awesome Link on Rugby check it out!


  1. Hi Calvin:

    Great blog!

    Just one comment....not sure if you have noticed but some of the text is hard to read. The player's sleeve causes a glare over some of the white text.

    I'm sure anyone reading your blog would want to have some clarity and be able to read every word.

    Peace, Robin

  2. from one Irish person to another Irish person, welcome to the blogosphere. I'm going to enjoy reading your blog. You want to make sure that your topic though is also a little bit more specific, you will want to avoid, generally, a sprawling blog that has no theme. So remember that as you write this blog, to work at a theme.

  3. That's awesome, you should be very proud of yourself and your journey in life. I have watched rugby a few times and it seems fun. It's definately different than the usual sports that are known. It just goes to show you how much more to life there is when you open your horizons. You never know what you may like until you try it. The best of luck to you in your journey with life.
