Thursday, May 19, 2011

Establishing a Brand Name

So I wanted this blog to help reflect my future business I will be starting over the summer and every successful business has some type of graphic image or stamp associated with it. For example what do you think of when you see a swoosh sign or an apple with a bite in it, of course nike and apple. These are the things that are such a powerful marketing tool because if you do have a successorship brand name and logo people will recognize the success. Now if you own a small business or are thinking of starting one you need to establish first what you want to do and what you want it to be called. For my business it will be called Rugby America Inc. or RA for short. When I start of thinking of a possible design the first thing I think about is the RA and how I can incorporate rugby in there someone or anything that you think will make a great media stain. When you do this you can ether take it into a graphic design company or do what I am doing and create it using the proper tools lilke Photoshop and illustrator. I will be posting my logo soon and tell me what you think!


  1. Hey what's up Calvin? Anyway, I think it's pretty awesome that you want rugby to gain more recognition here in the States. I personally think rugby is a hardcore beastly sport especially because you really don't wear any gear like American football and it takes a lot of endurance. I seen the All Blacks play a couple times and they're pretty beastly. I don't know if they're any good now but I do know their Haka dance is pretty intimidating. LOL. Anyway I like your idea with this whole brand thing. I'd probably sport it not only because rugby is awesome but because my intitials are RA hahaha. Well, can't wait to see your progress bro!

    Mucho Regards,


  2. I cannot help but think maybe a player or the ball might make a good logo - the branding should also incorporate your name. RA,as your initials, should be easy to incorporate into the branding of the image. You may want to follow this blog for ideas and help,

  3. Hey Calvin, your future business sounds kind of what I was thinking of doing. It was gonna be called American Mountaineering. I wanted organize an elite group that climbs hard mountains. Kind of like a non profit group. I think if you work hard at it, and have a good website, good things will happen. Have you seen the rugby movie Forever Strong? It really shows how rugby takes discipline.
