Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brand IT Inc.

So I have been able to try and set up a quick logo this is only my first idea with the circle being a rugby ball. It has a little work go to, but it is an idea. What do you guys think?? I also have three other sketches, but coming from a graphic design background it is harder than it looks trying to get an established logo. You have to remember black and white spacing and certain color schemes that help put the logo together. It is hard to explain, but just plain and simple it is hard. I hope this looks professional because I believe pretty good for a beginner sketch. It helps put it out from the rest and when you see it in the future on my products you guys will know where this business started!


  1. I like your basic design and the color scheme, and I think that the general design continues to be simple yet blunt. So I think you might be in the right direction here.

    Again, blogs are interactive so it's important to respond to your commenters. You might want to take some time also look at the comments that I have left last few weeks regarding the composition of your logs as well.

  2. I like your logo and how you incorporated the Rugby ball. I like it simple, and I think its funny how a simple logo design like Under Armour and the Nike swoosh can be so popular to wear. I could see how a Rugby player would like wearing it, but how about a non athlete. Maybe that something to think about, but I understand how a simple design could be really hard to create. Good luck with your company and I hope someday a star Rugby player might buy a pair of cleats with your logo on the side.
